Time-reversal test and nuclear-structure study usingAgm110

The decay of oriented Agm110 has been studied through singles and coincidence counting. The nuclear polarization was obtained by using a dilution refrigerator and the hyperfine field in iron. Ge(Li) singles spectra yielded the following E2M1 mixing ratios: δ(447 keV)=0.40±0.06, δ(678 keV)=0.36±0.03, δ(687 keV)=1.65±0.09, δ(707 keV)=1.42±0.07, δ(1384 keV)=0.39±0.02, δ(1505 keV)=1.09±0.09. In a time-reversal invariance test the phase angles η of the mixing ratio δ=|δ|eiη were measured through the observation of γγ directional correlations in the daughter Cd110. Three NaI detectors allow six coincidence combinations to be measured for both the 1505-658 keV and the 1384-(885)-658 keV cascades. We found sinη(1505 keV)=(1.5±2.2)×103 and sinη(1384 keV)=(1.7±5.1)×103, consistent with time-reversal invariance. The g factor of the 658 keV state in Cd110 was determined to be 0.28 ± 0.05.