Quantitative histology of bone: A computerized method of measuring the total mineral content of bone

A comparatively simple quantitative method for assessing bone morphology has been evolved. Microradiographs of thin sections of mandible have been scanned with a Joyce-Loebl double beam recording microdensitometer with a scanning autodensidater attachment, using a white beam. For each image the optical densities for all the pixels (picture elements) were divided into 10 groups. The limits of the division were fixed by the maximum and minimum densities occurring within the image. A computer generated map was produced which indicated the spatial distribution of the pixels within each group to which an arbitrarily chosen shading was attached. The number of pixels within each group is also shown on the map. The computer map was compared with the photomicrograph and, where necessary, the original section. The fractional area of hard tissue was then readily determined using the numerical values of each group of pixels.