Nucleophilic substitution reactions of cinnamoyl chlorides with anilines in acetonitrile and acetonitrile–methanol mixtures

Kinetic studies on the solvolysis (in McOH–MeCN mixtures) and aminolysis (with anilines in McCN) of cinnamoyl chlorides have been carried out at 25.0 °C. The relatively large negative values of ρY +=–0.9 –1.5 for the methanolysis are consistent with a dissociative SN2-like mechanism. For the aminolysis, the ρY values are positive (ρY= 0.52 1.64) and ρX values range from –1.68 to –2.51 in acetonitrile. The positive values of βX= 0.6–0.9 and ρXY= 0.88 in acetonitrile, and isotope effect data suggest that the aminolysis proceeds by a stepwise mechanism with rate-limiting breakdown of the tetrahedral intermediate, T±. It is noted that in the acyl-transfer reactions proceeding by rate-limiting departure of the leaving group from the tetrahedral intermediate the signs of both ρY and ρXY are positive and the reactivity–selectivity principle (RSP) is valid in general.

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