Control of morphogenetic pathways in thin cell layers of tobacco by pH

Thin cell layer explants of tobacco were floated in vitro on the surface of liquid culture media. The initial exogenous concentrations of indolyl-3-butyic acid, and kinetin, the initial medium pH, and the explant density were varied. Various patterns of de novo and direct differentiation without any intermediate callus (flower, vegetative bud, root) as well as the absence of morphogenesis and callus formation without any subsequent organogenesis were separately controlled on 100% of the explants. On the same exogenous combination of glucose, indolyl-3-butyric acid, and kinetic, changes in initial medium pH changed the pattern of morphogenesis. For a given initial exogenous indolyl-3-butyric acid concentration, vegetative buds were obtained at either pH 6.1 or 7.8, whereas a mixture of flowers and vegetative buds was obtained at pH 6.8. Furthermore, changes in explant density changed the morphogenetic response. It is suggested that the effects of the initial medium pH and explant density on morphogensis may be related partially to modifications of the physicochemical properties of the cell wall and (or) plasmalemma.