Synchroscan Streak Camera

A, new synchroscan streak camera which operates at a repetition. rate of 80 to 160 MHz in synchronism with a repetitive pulse laser is described. It employs a newly developed streak tube incorporating a microchannel plate as an image intensifire. Dynamic performances were investigated. by using a passively mode-locked cw dye laser and a direct readout system. Experimental results show that thi,e synchroscan streak camera combined with the direct read-out system at present has a overall temporal resolution of 11 ps for a integration of % 106 pulses and a dynamic range of better than 1:200. In addition, results of fundamental study indicate the strong possibility of achieving the dynamic range of 0, 1:106 by improving the readout system. An application of the streak camera in direct measurement of relaxation oscillation of a sinusoidally modulated diode laser at 133 MHz is also included.© (1983) COPYRIGHT SPIE--The International Society for Optical Engineering. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.

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