Facility Characteristics Associated With Hospitalization of Nursing Home Residents

To test the effect of facility characteristics on the probability of hospitalization of nursing home residents, controlling for resident characteristics and the competing risk of death. Study data were derived from the evaluation of the implementation of the Resident Assessment Instrument, the Minimum Data Set (MDS) in 1993. The data consisted of 2080 residents in 253 NHs as well as the annual On-Line Survey Certification of Automated Records (OSCAR). Multinomial logistic regression was used to determine the effects of selected resident and facility characteristics on hospitalization or death within 6 months of baseline, adjusting for the complex sampling design (using SUDAAN). By controlling for resident demographics, advance directives, diagnoses, selected clinical signs, and type of payer, we found that homes with special care units, more physicians (above the median 0.08 FTE physicians on staff or contract), and any physician extenders (nurse practitioners or physician assistants) were less likely to hospitalize their residents. Homes in which over 3.6% of the residents received respiratory treatment were more likely to hospitalize their residents. Findings suggest that Medicare HMOs should consider the capacity of nursing facilities, especially in terms of medical care capacity and clinical resources, to limit hospital admissions.