Physical Status of Young Men, 1918 and 1941

Figures based on review of a large proportion of examination reports by local Draft Boards and on complete reports to Feb. 1, 1941 from Army Induction Centers show that about 43% of all men examined were declared unfit for general military service compared with about 30% rejected in 1917-18. 15% of these were classed as fit for limited service. Rejections for defective teeth were over 4 times as high as in the last war, for respiratory diseases including tuberculosis only a trifle lower and for venereal diseases over 3 times as high. Among the group with remedial defects, teeth accounted for 27%, vision 17.1% and hernia 7.5%. Preliminary reports of physical examinations in the N.Y.A. groups confirm the selective service findings with 30% recommended for improvements of physical defects handicapping them for work. Care must be used in inter-preting this as meaning that physical status has deteriorated in the intervening years; standards of examination may have changed and facilities for diagnosis improved.