In contradistinction to the manifold and clinically significant disorders of circulation in exophthalmic goiter, the cardiovascular system has not, as a rule, been regarded as presenting marked deviations from the normal during the course of hypothyroidism. Most current accounts dismiss the subject with the mere statement that there are evidences of circulatory asthenia with low blood pressure.A priori, one would expect a low blood pressure in myxedema, the lowered basal metabolism characterizing the disease being a measure of the slow rate at which the vegetative functions are carried on. It is my object in the present communication to point out that in myxedema there are well marked anatomic changes in the arteries, and that in a large proportion of the cases there may appear the typical clinical picture of hypertension with the consequences it entails, such as myocardial insufficiency and cerebral hemorrhage. A survey of the necropsies reported in