Vitamin Requirements for Development of Eight-Cell Hamster Embryos to Hatching Blastocysts in Vitro1

We have shown in previous studies that development of 8-cell hamster embryos to hatching and hatched blastocysts in vitro is stimulated by the addition to the culture medium of a group of 11 water-soluble vitamins and growth factors from Ham''s F10 medium. In the present study, the requirements for each of these vitamins for blastocyst hatching was examined by using a chemically defined protein-free medium. Eight-cell hamster embryos were cultured for 3 days either in medium with all 11 vitamins or in media with a single vitamin omitted at a time or in medium without any vitamins. The only vitamins whose omission caused a significant decrease in blastocyst hatching at any stage were inositol, pantothenate, and choline, with the omission of inositol having the most severe effect. This finding was confirmed in a subsequent experiment in which the addition of these 3 vitamins stimulated the same degree of hatching as all 11 vitamins.