Sexual dysfunction in men with alcoholic liver cirrhosis. A comparative study

Sexual dysfunction in men with alcoholic cirrhosis was investigated in young (< 56 yr) outpatients with steady female partners. Sexual dysfunction was claimed by 61% (11/18), with erectile dysfunction and/or reduced sexual desire being the most common symptoms. Comparing patients with (n = 11) and without (n= 7) sexual dysfunction, no significant differences were found concerning a number of pertinent clinical variables. This should be interpreted with caution, however, owing to the smal number of patients in each group. The prevalence and type of sexual dysfunction were not significantly different comparing alcoholic cirrhotic men to chronic alcoholic men without overt liver disease (matched for duration of alcoholism, age and duration of partnership) and to insulin-dependent diabetic men (matched for age and duration of partnership). All groups had a significantly (P < 0.025) raised prevalence of sexual dysfunction when compared to men without chronic disease (matched for age and duration of partnership).