O-GlcNAc cycling: How a single sugar post-translational modification is changing the Way We think about signaling networks

O‐GlcNAc is an ubiquitous post‐translational protein modification consisting of a single N‐acetlyglucosamine moiety linked to serine or threonine residues on nuclear and cytoplasmic proteins. Recent work has begun to uncover the functional roles of O‐GlcNAc in cellular processes. O‐GlcNAc modified proteins are involved in sensing the nutrient status of the surrounding cellular environment and adjusting the activity of cellular proteins accordingly. O‐GlcNAc regulates cellular responses to hormones such as insulin, initiates a protective response to stress, modulates a cell's capacity to grow and divide, and regulates gene transcription. This review will focus on recent work involving O‐GlcNAc in sensing the environment and regulating signaling cascades.