Non‐A, Non‐B Hepatitis Related AN6520 Ag Is a Normal Cellular Protein Mainly Expressed in Liver. II

Detection of AN6520 Ag/Ab in human sera had indicated a close association with non‐A, non‐B hepatitis (NANBH). In this study, we investigated the immunochemical nature of AN6520 Ag and measured the amounts in various human and chimpanzee organs in order to clarify the association with NANBH.AN6520 Ag was found to be composed of polypeptide(s) with an apparent molecular weight of 45,000 daltons (45 kD), which are noncovalently linked together. Human antibodies in convalescent sera from NANBH patients as well as monoclonal antibodies were found to recognize only the high‐order structure of the antigen, whereas rabbit antibody recognized both the high‐order structure and the reduced form of 45 kD polypeptide(s).AN6520 Ag could be detected in most of the livers tested including those without any liver damage and fetal livers; their amounts varied considerably from each other. The antigen could be detected also in organs other than liver, but in contrast to liver, the amounts were small and did not vary as much between individuals. From the data of immunoblotting using rabbit antibody, our observed variation of antigen content in liver was considered to be due to the difference in expression of 45 kD polypeptide(s).Although no specific relationship was found between the amount of the antigen in liver and NANBH, the antigen was found to increase several times in livers of chimpanzees after the inoculation of NANBH virus.These data suggest that AN6520 Ag is a normal cellular protein existing mainly in liver and that its quantity may vary under some conditions such as NANBH.