Paramagnetic Resonance Spectra of Se2− and SSe− in the Alkali Iodides

The impurity ions Se2 and SSe have been introduced into NaI and KI and detected by their paramagnetic resonances. The g factors of these centers are highly anisotropic; in KI, for example, the principal g factors of Se2 are 3.7079, 0.7824, and 0.7698. The first of these corresponds to the Se–Se bond direction (z), which was found to be parallel to the {110} directions in the crystal. The direction of minimum g has been associated with the direction of the pπ orbitals occupied by the unpaired electron (x), and was found to be parallel to {100} directions in the crystal. In NaI the largest 77Se hyperfine interaction in Se2 and SSe was txx, but in KI tzz was the largest. This is thought to be due to the L·I/r3 term in the hyperfine Hamiltonian, since the contribution of this term to tzz is proportional to gzzge.

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