Calculations of Arthurs–Dalgarno space frame differential and integral cross sections for intermultiplet transitions, quantized with respect to the incident rotational angular momentum, are carried out for He + HCl collisions using the initial‐l labeled version of the coupled states (CS‐li) method given recently by Khare. Comparisons with accurate close coupling results of Monchick are made and the CS‐li results for integral polarization cross sections are found to be at least semiquantitative, with the best agreement occurring for inelastic j0j, and for m0m collisions. Elastic depolarization differential cross sections Jm(dσ/dΩ)(j0m0jm) are most accurate in the forward and backward directions, while the inelastic cross sections Jm(dσ/dΩ)(j0m0jm) are accurate only in the backward direction. In the midangular region, the magnitudes of the depolarization cross sections are inverted so that those starting from m0=0 are too large, and those with increasing initial m0 are too small.