High-pressure magnetization of the heavy-Fermion system CeRu2Si 2 .

The low-temperature magnetization of single-crystal CeRu2Si 2 has been investigated under hydrostatic pressures up to 6 kbar. The results reveal an extremely rapid decrease of the magnetic susceptibility χ∥ (T →0) for H applied along the c-axis, at a rate of about —17% per kbar. A strong correlation (χ∥ (0) Tmax ≃ const. ) is found between the pressure-variations of the susceptibility at T = 0 and the temperature of the susceptibility maximum. The data for χ∥ (T) T can be represented by a single curve in terms of the reduced variable T/Ts (P), in accordance with single-impurity Kondo theories. The magnetic anisotropy χ∥/χ ⊥decreases, as expected for a system approaching the mixed-valence regime, but alternative explanations are also considered. The results are compared to other high-pressure studies on the same material and to the effects produced by alloying