Reduction of alcohol induced sleep time in albino mice by potentized Nux vomica prepared with 90% ethanol.

Male adult albino mice were administered potentized Nux vomica 30 c (Nux v). The drug was mixed with sterile distilled water at 0.05 ml/2 ml water and given at 0.05 ml/individual. Control consisted of blank ethanol solution. Ethanolic extract from the seeds of Strychnos nuxvomica L was mixed with 90% ethanol 1:100 and sonicated for 30 s at 20 KHz. This was further diluted and sonicated in 30 steps to produce Nux v 30 c. Six hours after treatment, mice were given 25% ethanol i.p. at 4 g/kg body wt. The duration of sleep time starting from the loss of righting reflex until its restoration was recorded for each mouse. The duration of sleep time with ethanol was recorded in four sessions for the same group of mice with an interval of 10 d between sessions.

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