The consumption of cigarettes, coffee and sweets in detoxified alcoholics and its association with relapse and a family history of alcoholism

Thirty male alcohol dependent inpatients without concurrent depressive disorder, 13 of them with a positive family history of alcohol dependence in a first degree relative (PFH), were questioned about their desire and consumption habits with respect to cigarettes, coffee, and sweets while on a three-week inpatient treatment after detoxification from alcohol. Six weeks after discharge from hospital, the patients were reassessed for relapse. Eleven patients (36.6%) had relapsed at follow-up. Relapsers were younger than abstainers. The days until relapse correlated negatively with intensity of desire to drink alcohol, desire to smoke cigarettes, and with a higher consumption of cigarettes. PFH patients did not relapse earlier but they had a stronger desire to drink coffee and eat sweets and had a higher coffee consumption.