Prolongation of Hippocampal Miniature Inhibitory Postsynaptic Currents in Mice Lacking the GABAAReceptor α1 Subunit

GABAAreceptors (GABAA-Rs) are pentameric structures consisting of two α, two β, and one γ subunit. The α subunit influences agonist efficacy, benzodiazepine pharmacology, and kinetics of activation/deactivation. To investigate the contribution of the α1 subunit to native GABAA-Rs, we analyzed miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (mIPSCs) in CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells and interneurons from wild-type (WT) and α1 subunit knock-out (α1 KO) mice. mIPSCs recorded from interneurons and pyramidal cells obtained from α1 KO mice were detected less frequently, were smaller in amplitude, and decayed more slowly than mIPSCs recorded in neurons from WT mice. The effect of zolpidem was examined in view of its reported selectivity for receptors containing the α1 subunit. In interneurons and pyramidal cells from WT mice, zolpidem significantly increased mIPSC frequency, prolonged mIPSC decay, and increased mIPSC amplitude; those effects were diminished or absent in neurons from α1 KO mice. Nonstationary fluctuation analysis of mIPSCs indicated that the zolpidem-induced increase in mIPSC amplitude was associated with an increase in the number of open receptors rather than a change in the unitary conductance of individual channels. These data indicate that the α1 subunit is present at synapses on WT interneurons and pyramidal cells, although differences in mIPSC decay times and zolpidem sensitivity suggest that the degree to which the α1 subunit is functionally expressed at synapses on CA1 interneurons may be greater than that at synapses on CA1 pyramidal cells.