Coupled-cluster many-body theory in a correlated basis

The correlated-basis-functions method of Feenberg and the coupled-cluster formalism of Coester and Kümmel are joined to form a new ground-state many-body method combining the advantages of both older methods and avoiding their disadvantages. From the point of view of the correlated-basis-functions method, coupled-cluster theory is used to sum the perturbation series partially to arbitrary order. From the point of view of the coupled-cluster method, correlated basis functions are used to take out the repulsive core of the two-body interaction in order to allow more efficient truncation schemes. It is found that powerful renormalizations are possible. Explicit equations are given for the two-body subsystems embodying generalized Bethe-Goldstone and random-phase equations summing, in the correlated basis, ladder and ring diagrams to arbitrary order.