Melt rheology of nanometre‐calcium‐carbonate‐filled acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS) copolymer composites during capillary extrusion
- 4 December 2002
- journal article
- research article
- Published by Wiley in Polymer International
- Vol. 51 (12) , 1473-1478
The melt flow properties during capillary extrusion of nanometre‐calcium‐carbonate‐filled acrylonitrile–butadiene–styrene (ABS) copolymer composites were measured by using a Rosand rheometer to identify the effects of the filler content and operation conditions on the rheological behaviour of the sample melts. The experiments were conducted under the following test conditions: temperature varied from 220 to 240 °C and shear rate ranged from 10 to 104 s−1. The filler volume fractions were 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%. The results showed that the shear flow did not strictly obey the power law under the test conditions, and that the entry pressure drop (ΔPen) and the extension stress (σe) in entry flow increased nonlinearly, while the melt shear viscosity (ηs) and extension viscosity (ηe) decreased with increasing the wall shear stress (τw) at constant test temperature. The dependence of the melt shear viscosity on the test temperature was approximately consistent with the Arrhenius expression at fixed τw. When τw was constant, ηs and ηe increased while ΔPen and σe decreased with the addition of the filler volume fraction.© 2002 Society of Chemical IndustryKeywords
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