Instability of a two-dimensional compressible jet

A linearized analysis of the two-dimensional double vortex sheet model of a jet shows that inviscid jet instabilities occur over a wide range of frequencies at all jet Mach numbers. No particular frequency for maximum growth rate exists unless finite shear layer thickness effects are considered. It is suggested that the model describes the essential characteristics of a real jet disturbed by long wavelength perturbations. The idea is advanced that the jet flow constitutes a broad band amplifier of high gain. Disturbances can grow rapidly to a size when nonlinear effects bring about significant interaction with the mean flow. By seeding the jet with disturbances of a type that are highly amplified it is argued that gross features of the flow may be affected and that the jet may be rendered less noisy at high Mach number. It is argued that some of these ideas are supported by the observation that a supersonic jet diffuses at an unusually rapid rate when subject to the oscillatory condition known as ‘screech’.

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