Interpretation of Conditional Statistics in Open Oblique Premixed Turbulent Flames

A consistent means to establish the flame coordinate for oblique premixed turbulent flames based on the use of conditioned statistics of two velocity components is described. The flame coordinate is used to transform the conditioned velocity data for comparison with the predictions of the Bray-Moss-Libby (BML) model of turbulent combustion, assess the modeling assumptions and calculate one of the empirical constants. The most significant change in the flame statistics after transformation is that the Reynolds stress in the flame is found to be at the same level as in the incident flow. The Favre averaged turbulence intensities and scalar transport derived from experimental measurements are in qualitative agreement with previously reported experimental and numerical results. The results also support the BML second order closure technique for the third order covariances. However, the values of the empirical constant computed from experimental data do not lend strong support to a sub-model for the change in the conditioned statistics.