To aid the analysis of nucleon-γ angular correlation results for target nuclei having zero and nonzero ground-state spins, the double-differential cross section has been evaluated in explicit form for compound inelastic scattering of spin-½ particles to first or to second excited states of nuclei having g.s. spin 0+,12+,1+,32+,32,52+,72. In several instances, provision has been made for the coincident γ radiation to be of mixed multipolarity or for cascades to include an unobserved intermediate γ-decay step preceding the γ transition under observation. Theoretical results are illustrated quantitatively by correlation curves for inelastic neutron scattering at suitable energies around 3 MeV upon appropriate representative target nuclei (Ge70, Zn66, Ni64, Fe56; Si29, P31; P32; S33; Cu63; Zr91; Co57, respectively).