The eradication of a large scabies outbreak using community-wide health education.

The successful experience in eradicating a large outbreak of scabies in an underdeveloped Arabic village community in Western Galilee of about 3,000 people is reviewed. In this village the number of cases of scabies increased over a five-year period to a maximum of 22 per cent of the entire village population, representing 66 per cent of all the families. A seven-person health team with a strong background in health education was entrusted with the task of eradicating scabies in the community. A plan, conceived and carried out by the team, consisted of four phases: data gathering, information giving, treatment, and evaluation and summary. The goal of eradicating scabies in this community was achieved. The strategy of the campaign emphasized the following points: the entire community was the target group and was involved maximally throughout the campaign; the professional responsibility was concentrated in the hands of the team.