Heart rate (HR) rectal temperature (Tre), blood pressure, temperature and relative humidity changes inside clothing were measured on 18 professional firemen (mean age 29·4 ± 7·4 yr, VQ2 max 41·4 + 8·8 ml kg−1 min−1) wearing fire fighter's uniforms (SU) or aluminized, fire resistant, impermeable clothing with self contained breathing apparatus (FE). The subjects exercised on a cycle ergometer with a work load of 1·5 Wkg−1, at 39±1°C and at 70±5% relative humidity. They stopped exercising at a point of subjective fatigue and overheating which - according to their judgement-would cause them to stop working during real fire fighting. The working time until fatigue for subjects wearing FE was considerably lower than the corresponding value for SU. The HR and Tre values rose progressively throughout the exercise with no tendency to reach a plateau. In some cases the HR reached near maximal level. The Tre continued to rise even during 10 min of recovery and in many subjects exceeded 39°C. These data showed that despite spontaneous termination of exercise, the limit of tolerance was reached by most of the subjects.