Allelopathic effects ofPolygonum aviculare L.

We previously reported thatPolygonum aviculare has a strong allelopathic action againstCynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. and other test species. Moreover, we found that several phenolic compounds appeared to be important allelochemics in this activity. We have now isolated other potential inhibitors fromP. aviculare residues and soil underPolygonum stands, and none of these occurred in soil underC. dactylon stands. GC-MS analysis revealed that these additional inhibitors are long-chain fatty acids with 14–22 carbons. Nine were identified inP. aviculare residues and seven in soil underP. aviculare. Sodium salts of all the identified fatty acids inhibited seedling growth ofC. dactylon and at least some test strains of the nitrogen-fixing bacteria,Azotobacter andRhizobium.