Effect of dietary proteins on insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) messenger ribonucleic acid content in rat liver

Effects of quantity and quality of dietary proteins on plasma immunoreactive insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentration, and content of IGF-1 mRNA in rat liver were investigated in rats. Plasma immunoreactive IGF-1 concentration in rats given a casein diet was higher than that in rats given a soya-bean-protein or protein-free diet. The IGF-1 mRNA content in liver was estimated by the Northern blot hybridization technique employing32P-labelled rat IGF-1 complementary DNA (cDNA). At least four molecular species of IGF-1 mRNA of different molecular weight were found in rat liver. The sizes were 0·8–1·2, 2·0, 3·6–4·0 and 7·4 kb. Most of the mRNA species decreased in the livers of rats given a gluten diet (120 g gluten/kg diet) compared with rats given the casein diet. In particular, mRNA of 7·4 kb decreased markedly. When rats were fed on the protein-free diet, mRNA of all species decreased significantly. The estimated IGF-1 mRNA in the livers of rats fed on the gluten or protein-free diet was almost 0·4 of that of the rats given the casein diet. Feeding the soya-bean-protein diet did not result in a marked effect on the hepatic content of mRNA species of IGF-1. The results showed that liver IGF-1 mRNA content is sensitively regulated by quantity and nutritional quality of dietary proteins.