Otologic sequelae after pneumococcal meningitis: A survey of 164 consecutive cases with a follow‐up of 94 survivors

As part of a comprehensive study on sequelae after pneumococcal meningitis, 94 of 111 consecutive survivors were re-examined 4 to 16 years after discharge. Twenty-three patients had otological sequelae after pneumococcal meningitis. In these patients, 17 had hearing losses, 7 had tinnitus, 9 had vertigo, 13 had vestibular areflexia, 4 had loss of smell, and 3 had loss of taste. Among the patients with hearing loss, 4 were bilaterally deaf, 6 were unilaterally deaf, and 2 had mild and 5 had slight hearing losses. From correlations with extensive data from the medical records, preadmission antibiotic treatment appeared to protect from acousticovestibular damage. Purulent otitis media and otosurgical intervention did not correlate to the fatality rate or the development of sequelae. Acute purulent otitis media appeared as a concomitant manifestation, rather than the focus of pneumococcal meningitis.