To investigate morphological features of the human pancreatic ductal system, light microscopic and EM studies were performed, on the comparative basis with those of several species of mammals [Macaca fascicularis, cat, dog, rabbit, guinea pig, rat, mouse, hamster, cow, pig]. The human pancreas possessed a relatively well-developed ductal system, compared with those of other mammals. It had unique centroacinar cells containing numerous mitochondria. The mode of innervation to the ducts, and cytological features such as cilia formation and mucin production were also revealed. Several kinds of endocrine cells including A, B, D1, ECn, presumptive EC1, and presumptive EC2 or K could be identified, but a few remained unclassifiable. The findings are considered to be prerequisite for understanding the physiology, especially of bicarbonate production, and pathology, especially oncogenesis of the exocrine and endocrine pancreas.