New evidence for the saturation of the Froissart bound

Fits to high energy data alone cannot cleanly discriminate between asymptotic lns and ln2s behavior of total hadronic cross sections. We demonstrate that this is no longer true when we require that these amplitudes also describe, on average, low energy data dominated by resonances. We simultaneously fit real analytic amplitudes to high energy measurements of: (i) the π+p and πp total cross sections and ρ-values (ratio of the real to the imaginary portion of the forward scattering amplitude), for s6 GeV, while requiring that the asymptotic fits smoothly join the σπ+p and σπp total cross sections at s=2.6 GeV—both in magnitude and slope , and (ii) separately simultaneously fit the p¯p and pp total cross sections and ρ-values for s6 GeV, while requiring that their asymptotic fits smoothly join the the σp¯p and σpp total cross sections at s=4.0 GeV—again both in magnitude and slope. In both cases, we have used all of the extensive data of the Particle Data Group [K. Hagiwara et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 66, 010001 (2002).]. However, we then subject these data to a screening process, the Sieve algorithm [M. M. Block, physics/0506010.], in order to eliminate outliers that can skew a χ2 fit. With the Sieve algorithm, a robust fit using a Lorentzian distribution is first made to all of the data to sieve out abnormally high Δχi2, the individual ith point’s contribution to the total χ2. The χ2 fits are then made to the sieved data. Both the πp and nucleon-nucleon systems strongly favor a high energy ln2s fit of the form: σ±=c0+c1ln(νm)+c2ln2(νm)+βP(νm)μ1±δ(νm)α1, basically excluding a lns fit of the form: σ±=c0+c1ln(νm)+βP(νm)μ1±δ(νm)α1. The upper sign is for π+p (pp) and the lower sign is for πp (p¯p) scattering, where ν is the laboratory pion (proton) energy, and m is the pion (proton) mass.