Frequency analysis of the late receptor potential.

The "late receptor potential" (late RP) was recorded from the cat retina after occlusion of retinal artery. In this condition the deeper retinal layers are destroyed while the visual receptors survive. The visual receptor layer is maintained by choroidal circulation. In the light adapted state the late RP was demonstrated to be a linear function of the light stimulus (up to a modulation of 75% of the background intensity). Frequency response characteristics of the late RP are presented. They resemble those of a low-pass filter with its cut-off frequency at about 1.5 cps. Comparison of the frequency response characteristics of the late RP with those of the ERG [electroretinogram] and of the ganglion cell discharge taken in the same experimental conditions suggest that the neural network of the retina can compensate for the attenuation of high frequencies occurring at receptor level.