Targeting OX40 Promotes Lung-Resident Memory CD8 T Cell Populations That Protect against Respiratory Poxvirus Infection

One goal of vaccination is to promote development of mucosal effector cells that can immediately respond to peripheral infection. This is especially important for protection against viruses that enter the host through the respiratory tract. We show that targeting the OX40 costimulatory receptor (CD134) strongly promotes mucosal memory in the CD8 T cell compartment. Systemic injection of an agonist antibody to OX40 strongly enhanced development of polyfunctional effector CD8 T cells that were induced after intraperitoneal infection with a highly virulent strain of vaccinia virus. These cells were located in lymphoid organs and also the lung, and importantly, long-term memory CD8 T cells were maintained in the lung over 1 year. Anti-OX40 also boosted memory development when mice were vaccinated subcutaneously with viral peptide. These CD8 T cells were sufficient to provide protection from lethal respiratory infection with live vaccinia virus independent of CD4 T cells and antibody. Again, the CD8 T cell populations that were induced after secondary infection displayed polyfunctionality and were maintained in the lung for over a year. These data suggest that agonists to the OX40 costimulatory receptor represent potential candidates for incorporation into vaccines for respiratory viruses.