Interpretation of the electrocardiogram in the Duchenne form of progressive muscular dystrophy (PMD) is still debated in the literature. The group studied consisted of 106 patients with the Duchenne type of PMD, aged 3 to 29 years. The duration of the disease varied from a few months to 15 years. One hundred one patients had abnormal electrocardiograms. These were of four types: type a (64 cases) showed tall R waves in V 1 and deep Q waves in V 4-6 ; type b (24 cases), RSr' and deep Q waves in V 5-6 ; and type c (13 cases), polyphasic R waves in V 1 . The view that the electrocardiographic abnormalities in Duchenne dystrophy are a manifestation of the dystrophic process in the myocardium is discussed. The authors' material, however, failed to support this view but did support the view that the electrocardiographic abnormalities have an heredofamilial character.