Chandra observation of an unusually long and intense X-ray flare from a young solar-like star in M78

LkHA312 has been observed serendipitously with the ACIS-I detector on board Chandra with 26h continuous exposure. This H_alpha emission line star belongs to the star-forming region M78 (NGC2068). From the optical and NIR data, we show that it is a pre-main sequence (PMS) low-mass star with a weak NIR excess. This genuine T Tauri star displayed an X-ray flare with an unusual long rise phase (~8h). The X-ray emission was nearly constant during the first 18h of the observation, and then increased by a factor of 13 during a fast rise phase (~2h), and reached a factor of 16 above the quiescent X-ray level at the end of a gradual phase (~6h) showing a slower rise. To our knowledge this flare, with \~0.4-~0.5 cts/s, has the highest count rate observed so far with Chandra from a PMS low-mass star. By chance, the source position, 8.2' off-axis, protected this observation from pile-up. We make a spectral analysis of the X-ray emission versus time, showing that the plasma temperature of the quiescent phase and the flare peak reaches 29MK and 88MK, respectively. The quiescent and flare luminosities in the energy range 0.5--8keV corrected from absorption (N_H~1.7E21 cm^{-2}) are 6E30erg/s and ~1E32erg/s, respectively. The ratio of the quiescent X-ray luminosity on the LkHA312 bolometric luminosity is very high with log(L_X/L_bol)= -2.9, implying that the corona of LkHA312 reached the `saturation' level. The X-ray luminosity of the flare peak reaches ~2% of the stellar bolometric luminosity. The different phases of this flare are finally discussed in the framework of solar flares, which leads to the magnetic loop height from 3.1E10 to 1E11 cm (0.2-0.5 R*, i.e., 0.5-1.3 R_sun).

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