Cellular B-2 Microglobulin Expression as a Prognostic Indicator in Renal Cell Carcinoma

The expression of B-2 microglobulin (B-2M) on tumor cells and their normal cell counterparts in 39 patients with renal cell carcinoma was studied and correlated to tumor stage and survival. The median survival time of patients with localized disease (stage I) whose tumors expressed B-2M was 10.2 years while the median survival time for patients whose tumors did not express B-2M was only 3.6 years (p less than 0.001). For patients with more advanced disease (stages II, III, IV) whose tumors expressed B-2M, median survival time was 3.6 years compared to 2.0 years in patients whose tumors did not express B-2M, a non-significant difference. It is suggested that the tumor cell membrane expression of B-2M may serve as an indicator of good prognosis in early renal cell carcinoma.