Depth segregation of retinal ganglion cells projecting to mouse superior colliculus

The retinotectal projections in the mouse were analyzed with injections of horseradish peroxidase into the superior colliculus and of radioactive amino acids into the eye. At least 70% of the ganglion cells, and possibly all of them, were found to project to the superior colliculus, including ganglion cells of all sizes. Small injections revealed that ganglion cells of different sizes terminate at different levels in the superior colliculus. The small ganglion cells that form the vast majority of all cells project predominantly to the upper stratum griseum superficiale. A small population of mainly medium‐sized and large ganglion cells project to the deep stratum griseum superficiale and to the stratum opticum. The ipsilateral projection is restricted to the deep stratum griseum superficiale and stratum opticum and consists predominantly of medium‐sized and large ganglion cells.

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