Cross-Linking Study on Tropomyosin1

The cross-linking reaction of α-tropomyosin with dimethyl adipimidate yielded a dimer of the α-subunit of tropomyosin as a major product, which was isolated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-150 in the presence of urea. Amino acid analyses revealed that the cross-linked α-tropomyosin contained about two adipimidate cross-links per molecule. Selective cleavage of the cross-linked molecule at the cysteinyl residue, Cys 190 (a single cysteinyl residue in the α-subunit), gave a new band at a position corresponding to a molecular weight of 48,000 on SDS-gel electrophoresis, suggesting that the cross-links were incorporated in the N-terminal fragment. When the cross-linked molecule was cleaved with CNBr, two large fragments from residue 11 to 127, and from 142 to 281, were obtained, as in the case of the intact molecule. Therefore, it is inferred that the location of the intersubunit cross-links is in the region from residue 2 to 8 and/or from 128 to 141. These results indicate that the arrangement of α-subunits of tropomyosin in solution must be in parallel and in register. Although the exact positions of the reactive sites could not be determined in the present study, stereochemical examination of the coiled-coil model suggests that the most probable sites of cross-linking are Lys 5 of one subunit and Lys 7 of the other.