Stromal Tumor of the Gallbladder With Phenotype of Interstitial Cells of Cajal

We report a small, well-demarcated stromal tumor of the gallbladder in a 69-year-old woman. The tumor and associated cholelithiasis led to chronic cholecystitis symptoms. The wall of the gallbladder contained a 2.4-cm hypocellular nodule composed of bland spindle-shaped cells that were immunoreactive for vimentin, CD34, and CD117. With the latter antibody, which stains interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC), the neoplastic cells appear fusiform with elongated bipolar projections or dendritic-like cytoplasmic projections. The gallbladder wall adjacent to the tumor contained numerous CD117-positive cells in close contact with the normal smooth muscle cells, whereas two of 10 gallbladders with minimal chronic cholecystitis showed only a few CD117-positive cells. These findings provide evidence that this stromal tumor of the gallbladder shows ICC differentiation similar to some stromal tumors of the gut. The presence of numerous ICC in the uninvolved gallbladder wall suggests that this tumor might have evolved through hyperplasia of ICC.