Streptavidin‐induced lysis of homologous biotinylated erythrocytes Evidence against the key role of the avidin charge in complement activation via the alternative pathway

It is shown that non-covalent attachment of streptavidin, as well as of avidin, to biotinylated human erythrocytes induces homologous hemolysis by complement. Rabbit antiserum against human C3 is found to inhibit the lysis specifically as compared with non-immune rabbit serum. Efficiency of lysis inhibition is greater for avidin- and streptavidin-induced lysis of biotinylated human erythrocytes than for antibody-sentitized sheep erythrocytes. In contrast to positively charged avidin (pI II), streptavidin is a neutral protein. Hence, hemolysis of streptavidin-carrying erythrocytes is inconsistent with the suggestion on the crucial role of avidin charge in lysis. Membrane alterations (cross-linking and clusterization of biotinylated components) induced by avidin (streptavidin) seem to be a more plausible explanation for the lysis.