Effects of diuretic and propranolol on plasma lipoprotein lipids

Tricrynafen (TCNF), a nonthiazide diuretic, is reported to be nonhyperlipidemic. To define the effects of these drugs on plasma lipoproteins, experiments were performed in hypertensive human subjects after placebo therapy, 4 wk after therapy with either hydroclorothiazide (HCTZ) or TCNF, 3 mo. after diuretic with propranolol and 1 mo. after therapy with propranolol alone. Plasma lipoproteins were separated by ultracentrifugation and the lipid fractions isolated by extraction and silicic acid TLC. Plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) total cholesterol fell and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) total cholesterol rose in subjects receiving TCNF. TCNF had no effect on plasma very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) triglyceride or phospholipid. There were no significant changes in LDL or HDL total cholesterol in subjects on HCTZ. HCTZ tended to increase plasma VLDL triglyceride and phospholipid. The addition of propranolol to either diuretic had no effect on LDL or HDL total cholesterol but increased VLDL triglyceride, especially in subjects on HCTZ. Propranolol alone had no effect on any of the lipids measured.