The regulatory region of phage fr replicase cistron. III. Initiation activity of specific fr RNA fragments

RNA fragments from phage fr covering the complete or part of the replicase cistron initiation region have been used as templates in the formation of a ribosomal initiation complex in vitro. The results so obtained together with our earlier findings in a similar approach applied to fragments of the structurally related RNA from phage MS2 have allowed us to pinpoint the boundaries of the replicase cistron initiation region on phage RNA. A structural model of the above initiation region has been provided which shows that besides the minimal initiation region (comprises the Shine-Dalgarno sequence and initiator AUG), the flanking regions are also involved and are responsible for additional interactions with the ribo-some. The flanking regions possibly contribute to the stability of specific contact between the ribosome and template realized by the minimal initiation region.