The influence of strength, precipitate microstructure, temper embrittlement, and environment on fatigue crack growth in 2·25Cr–1 Mo steel has been investigated. Particular attention was paid to the interaction between hydrogen embrittlement and temper embrittlement in fatigue. A range of tempered and aged conditions was examined in air, vacuum, and gaseous hydrogen environments at growth rates between 10−10 and 10−5 m/cycle. In this paper, discussion focuses on effects observed in hydrogen. Gaseous hydrogen was found to encourage crack growth by promoting intergranular fracture, which peaked at intermediate growth rates, and by reducing the general plasticity associated with transgranular fracture at high growth rates. Mechanisms underlying these effects, which involve stress-driven hydrogen segregation and the facilitation of crack-tip dislocation emission, are considered in detail. Reversible temper embrittlement encouraged crack growth at near-threshold and intermediate rates in hydrogen by increasing susceptibility to intergranular fracture. The magnitude of this effect was directly related to the degree of intergranular phosphorus enrichment, thus clearly demonstrating synergy between hydrogen embrittlement and temper embrittlement in fatigue. In contrast, one-step temper embrittlement encouraged transgranular crack growth in hydrogen only at high growth rates. This is considered to result from a concentration of slip on glide planes intersecting the crack tip under the combined influences of hydrogen and an increasingly dense precipitate microstructure. MST/583