Increased rectal mucosal enteroendocrine cells, T lymphocytes, and increased gut permeability following acute Campylobacter enteritis and in post-dysenteric irritable bowel syndrome

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BACKGROUND AND AIMS Post-dysenteric irritable bowel syndrome (PD-IBS) develops in up to 25% of patients followingCampylobacter enteritis. Our aim was to define the pathological basis of this subgroup of IBS. METHODS Twenty one patients (group 1) underwent serial rectal biopsy and gut permeability testing following acute Campylobacterenteritis as did 10 PD-IBS patients (group 2) and 12 asymptomatic controls. RESULTS In group 1, enteroendocrine cell (EC) numbers were markedly increased initially and at six and 12 weeks (pr=0.6, p=0.01). At one year, seven subjects (five with persistent loose stools) had rectal biopsies which showed significantly elevated EC, CD3, and IEL counts. In group 2, EC and IEL counts were significantly increased compared with controls (pCONCLUSION Increased EC, T lymphocytes, and gut permeability are acute changes followingCampylobacter enteritis which can persist for more than a year and may contribute to PD-IBS.