Energy distribution ofHfrom the collision-induced three-particle breakup ofH3+

We have measured the laboratory energy distribution of H produced by the collision-induced dissociation of H3+ from He targets for incoming beam energies ranging from 2.417 to 7.0 keV. An approximate projectile frame energy distribution of H is also obtained. The most probable H projectile frame energy is estimated to be approximately 0.75 eV. We have also determined, from the shift in the position of the H laboratory peaks, an inelastic energy loss of 60±12 eV for the excited H3+ ions producing near zero kinetic energies of H in the projectile frame. Our results suggest that H is produced by the electronic excitation of H3+ with subsequent dissociation into H++H++H. In this case the motion of the two H+ ions is highly correlated. For the most probable c.m. energy of H, we put a lower limit of 163° on the correlation angle between the protons in the c.m. of dissociating H3+.