10 x 132 CMOS/CCD readout with 25 μm pitch and on-chip signal processing including CDS and TDI

A 10 x 132 CMOS/CCD readout has been developed for low background (photon incidence less than 10 exp 12 photons/sq cm s) IR applications requiring fine orthoscan pitch (25 microns), on-chip signal processing including time delay integration (TDI) and correlated double sampling, high sensitivity, and high speed at operating temperatures compatible with passive or thermoelectric coolers. When hybridized to SWIR (2.5 microns) detectors, TDI channel read noise of not greater than 10 e(-) was measured at 145 K operating temperature. This implies a minimum per pixel read noise of about 3 electrons, approaching the goal of about 1 e(-) read noise needed for stringent SWIR applications including NASA's MOI and NGST missions.

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