Li6(n, t)He4Cross Section for 12.5- to 18.3-Mev Neutrons

The cross section for the Li6(n, t)He4 reaction has been measured for 12.5- to 18.3-Mev neutrons. The neutrons were obtained from the T(d, n)He4 reaction and their flux density was determined by counting the recoil He4 particles. A Li6I(Eu) scintillation crystal 1½ inches in diameter by ½ inch thick served as both the Li6 sample and the detector for the reaction products. The cross section is nearly linear from 34.3 mb at 12.5 Mev to 17.6 mb at 18.3 Mev. It is 28.1±1.6 mb at 14.2±0.2 Mev.