Autonomic functions have been studied in seven patients with chronic paroxysmal hemicrania (CPH). A test battery comprising tearing, salivation and nasal secretion was employed. Under basal conditions these parameters did not differ significantly from those in a control group. After stimulation with pilocarpine the patients responded rather inhomogeneously. This test battery may therefore help find and classify subgroups of these types of patients. During attacks, there is a clear discrepancy between minimal salivation on the one hand and the marked increase in tearing, nasal secretion and sweating on the other. CPH attacks may be associated with an increased firing of sympathetic impulses to the different organs. In the event of a uniform type of autonomic firing taking place during attack, these findings may suggest a different innervation pattern for the salivary glands compared to the other glands involved. The innervation pattern of these secretory organs may seem to be more intricate and sophisticated than hitherto assumed.