Hazards of Household Cleaning Products

1 All enquiries received by the London Centre of the National Poisons Information Service [NPIS(L)] relating to household cleaning products were followed up by questionnaire for a 4-month period from November 1978 to February 1979. 2 130 reports (43% of total followed-up) were received. 3 The incidence of misuse of household cleaning products has remained largely unchanged since a less detailed survey was performed in 1974-1975. 4 The source of enquiries, age groups and products involved were similar to the earlier survey. 5 Sixty-two per cent of cases were asymptomatic and no serious or life-threatening reactions were reported. 6 Although an increasing number of patients were admitted to hospital, little treatment was needed and the use of gastric lavage and aspiration had declined markedly. 7 Household cleaning products in the UK still cause no serious poisoning when misused or accidentally ingested.