Adult female Long-Evans rats with direct-current electrolytic or radio-frequency thermocoagulatory lesions of the ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lived on pellet fragments or a powdered chow containing as much as 1.2% quinine sulfate by weight or lived in Skinner boxes with 45-mg Noyes pellets delivered contingent on fixed ratios (FR) of lever pressing up to FR 128. As was found previously for intact rats, the body weights maintained by VMH rats were determined by the percentage of quinine sulfate in or the contingency of reinforcement of the food on which they lived. Even when the rats lived on highly adulterated or response-contingent food and were lean, they ate more of that food when the ambient temperature was reduced and less of that food during several weeks of forced feeding of eggnog by gavage. Weight maintenance in the cold and caloric compensation during forced feeding were as precise for VMH rats eating highly adulterated chow or Noyes pellets contingent on high fixed ratios of lever pressing as for VMH rats eating typical laboratory chow ad lib, even though the former rats at the time maintained weights no greater than intact rats and the latter rats at the time were grossly obese. Regulation in the cold or during forced feeding was in general only a little less precise for the rats with lesions than for intact rats. It may be as characteristic of VMH rats that they eat to become lean and remain lean as that they eat to be obese. The diets of both intact and VMH rats in some manner determine the adiposities that rats will defend against caloric challenge.