IN AUGUST, 1966, Warkany1reviewed the history of pink disease in an article entitled "Acrodynia: Postmortem of a Disease." The view that acrodynia is extinct may not be correct as shown by recent reports emanating from America and Britain.2-7In discussing the contribution of Bilderbeck to the elucidation of the cause of acrodynia, Warkany made the pertinent observation that "the young well-trained pediatricians in the early 20th century were not well acquainted with adverse mercurial reactions." This applies equally to the young pediatricians of this decade, mercury having been removed as a constituent of teething powders some ten years ago. However, the occurrence of sporadic cases is a reminder that mercury may be otherwise absorbed. The object of this case report is twofold, first to focus attention on a disease in danger of being forgotten, and second to describe the use of d-penicillamine in its treatment. Report of